Hi Everybody!
I THINK I just got my blog site set up. My family just won't believe this!! But it is good to be unpredictable, isn't it? I'm pretty excited. I won't really post anything more right now, for several reasons.
First, I want to wait until I can call my brother, Paul, who lives in Arizona, to ask for a little help. His time zone is two hours later than mine. So on Saturday morning I didn't think it was right to call him at 6:30 AM. And even now, at 7:30, doesn't seem a considerate thing to do. I'll at least let the poor guy have his coffee before he has to go on computer duty!
Secondly, we are going to babysit my good friend's little baby granddaughter in a short while, so I won't have a lot of time anyway. Looking forward to that. Hey! Maybe I'll even find out how to post a picture and put her picture here! She is just way, way too cute! (All of you who know me, please pick yourselves up off the floor. I won't go too crazy with technology this morning. I'll let Allan at least take the picture, begrudgingly.)
When I do come back, I'll tell all about why I want to do this. I'll give my "disclaimers" and all that stuff. I'll explain how I chose the address for my blog and also how I chose the name for by blog. Know you can't wait... (Just so you know, I do know how interesting I'm NOT.)