Saturday, January 26, 2013

December Savings for the Children and 2012 Totals

We rounded the $68.37 saved in December to $70.  And again we contributed it to World Vision.  Because they have been found to be diligent with the charity’s monies, they received donations and grants which would allow any individual contribution to be multiplied 5 times.  We designated the resulting $350 to be used for food in Africa; the situation is just SO dire.  

I read the story of one woman who has lost 4 children and fears losing her toddler.  I can not begin to imagine her pain.  And certainly if she knows of the wealth that we enjoy, how could she not be angry that her children have to be malnourished and stand practically no chance of surviving? 

I saw the story of an 11 year old boy who carried his baby sister on his back for 2 ½ hours to a medical clinic sponsored by World Vision.  He was told she was malnourished.  She was given necessary nutrients and Plumpy’nut, a fortified food product used for severely malnourished children. 

For 2012 we saved a total of $995.64.  Because we looked for opportunities where the contribution would be matched or multiplied, the total dollar amount used to benefit children, both in the U.S. and across the world was $6,892! In addition to putting aside any savings from sale prices, we found it felt good to each month forego making a purchase or doing something we wanted to, and instead set the money aside for kids.  It is interesting how easy it became to think in such a way.

We are pleased.  I like to think of some toddler, some child way too young to understand that there are places where the kids do not have to go hungry, getting a full tummy for the first time in a long time.  I like to think of a small child getting medicine which will help in giving him/her the opportunity to survive until the age of five.  I like to think of a little one having a daily supply of safe drinking water.  I can conjure up a number of little faces, all different shapes and colors, all different shaped eyes, looking up to the person or persons who just took care of them.  I feel sure they do not know how to express, even in their own languages, how good it feels to not have their tummies hurt, to not be hungry; to not be so cold because someone gave them coats.  My mind can easily see them forming a circle around some adult who has food and water for them, or maybe a coat.  You know how little kids do that.  They want some too! 

We didn't bother to discuss whether or not to continue our project; we've agreed to continue without the need for words.    We can see those little faces and those little hands reaching out.