Thursday, February 9, 2012

Learning From Discussion

Unless I am just too tired, or struggling with some life event, I have always loved talking to people.  Not only because I like people in general, but because I learn so much.  I get thoughts I would never come up with on my own.  I get different points of view.  To me, it is such a valuable thing in life.  Once again, I have found that to be true.  A stranger I will never know has written something about the Ellen DeGeneres story that is just so powerful.  It should touch our hearts.
Allan had read not only the original news story, but also some comments from other readers.  The following is what he put on his Facebook page.  The reader’s comment is in quotes.  I do hope one of the mothers reads this and it changes her heart.

Bravo to the reader who posted this response to the Million Moms vs. Ellen DeGeneres/JCPenney story……….
”You are neither a good Christian nor a good Mom if you are teaching your child intolerance and discrimination (which is against the law by the way, so you are also encouraging your children not to be law abiding citizens, just what we need, thanks for that).  Also.…just so you know….at LEAST one of your children, somewhere in your group, IS GAY….statistically it is a given….but they will not come to you….they will suffer in silence until they can get far away from you or even worse….suffer forever, or commit suicide, because the biggest influence in their life spews hatred for who they are.  Shame on you!”

Let me share something else Allan learned about this group.  The group so against JCP and Ellen DeGeneres is One Million Moms (emphasis mine).  As it turns out, there is another, very different organization founded by the UN Foundation, ABC News, and other organizations with humanitarian goals.  The name is similar, which has been initially unfortunate, but perhaps is now going to be a real benefit.  The humanitarian organization is Million Moms.  The focus is global health.  Their mission is to raise both awareness about, and funding for, the health of mothers and babies around the world.  The link, if you'd like to read it for yourself is
Thanks to the hate of some mothers, this charitable organization has received interest.  For our family, we now have another organization to which we can send some of our monthly savings.  One group that was hateful towards others has helped a second group that is loving and helpful towards others.  I admit, I am enjoying the irony!

1 comment:

  1. Pre and ill-conceived theology tends to blind people. Let she who is without sin cast the first stone.
